
Showing posts with label For Advanced. Show all posts
Showing posts with label For Advanced. Show all posts

Thursday, September 23, 2021

When Kanchan is favorable




The case of Kanchan is favorable

As mentioned in the last article, it should be remembered that, basically, Shanpon is more advantageous than Kanchan.

If you remember even the reasons for this, you can see the exceptions.

The biggest advantage of Shanpon is that "it's likely to be a trick riichi."

So, naturally, Kanchan is more advantageous for Shannon, which is difficult to trick riichi.

In this case, you have to draw 4 tiles that are 1p,7p, 3s, 9s. 

 Of course, in reality, there are other factors as well, so this is not the only factor to consider.

6p 6p 8p +3s 3s 

From this form, kanchan is statistically favored, though by a small margin.

In the case of 6 6 3 3, 3 is actually much more likely to come up, so the comparison is between 3 and 7.

If that is the case, kanchan with more 7's has the advantage.

Since September, the duty room has been changed to a room with a very beautiful night view.

I sleep with a view of Yokohama and Minato Mirai late at night.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

The way to resolve Furi-ten




The way to resolve Furi-ten

This ready hand can win by only East.

This calling is called "valuable tile back" 
(I don't know why we call this "back", and I have no idea to say in English.)

Back is very good way, because you can make ready hand with keeping safety tile.

Instead, it sometimes happened Furious-ten like this.

How do you resolve this??

If you discard 2s directory, you can win by only self drawing East.

It is too difficult.

Further more, If you call pong, you can't make ready hand.

In this case, you broke the sequence, you can ready hand again by calling pong East.

Kouan is  yakiniku restaurant near kannai station.

This restaurant is private room only. 

Despite it, lunch is reasonable.

This lunch is about 2000 JPY, about 20 USD.


Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Don't underestimate the value of safety tile




Don't underestimate the value of safety tile

If you leave 5p, you might be able to discard Penchan (edge-wait) .

The possibility of making Ryanmen in the future or safety tile.

Which is more valuable ??

Answer depends on the round.

The turning point is  9th round

Until the 9th round, it is more advantageous to leave the possibility of changing hands.

After 9th round, you should leave safety tile.

Keep in your mind of this statistics.

Summer is over in Japan, and it's starting to look like autumn.

Sweet potato bread is on the shelves and the bakeries are all in autumn.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Calculating Expected Value



Calculating Expected Value

Expected value is calculated by score × winning probability.

This hand, discarding 2m is fix "Frat hand"  " All simples" "Triple sequences" but double sided waiting.

Discarding 5m is fix "flat hand" only, but triple sided waiting.

Which is the better option ??  

The winning probability of double sided wait (Ryanmen) is about 70%.

Simplified expected value  is about 70% × 8000 =5600

And that of triple sided wait is about 80%.

Simplified expected value  is about 80% × (1000×1/3(1m)+2000×2/3(4 7m))=1500

The principle is to focus the score

Basically, it is too difficult to double the winning probability.

So if you fix rising one more the role (Yaku), you should fix the role which make your hand's score 

I tried pasta in Pizza KOZOU where I have often eaten Pizza.

Vongore Bianco is my favorite taste.

Very tasty but I prefer Pizza in this restaurant.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Statistics of mahjong




"Perfect" one before for ready

The form composed by complex serial pair +Ryanmen is called  "perfect one before for ready"

In addition to Ryanmen, there is acceptance to make triplet.

There is 4 tiles more than Ryanmen-Ryanmen one before for ready.

But recently, it is calculated that this advantage is too little.    (reffernce ; this book)

Especially, the part of complex serial pair is 4 5 6 like this case exceed the risk of leaving the tile.

If other player call for Riichi, you have to discard 6 (in this case) to the Riich in order to call Riich.

Ryanmen-Ryanmen wait for 16 tiles.

And this perfect one before for ready wait for 20 tiles.

In 16/20 case, Ryanmen is complete first.

And statistics reveal the risk exceed to the merit of leaving dangerous tile till ready hand.


My pretty chihuahua found very Big warm.

She really interested in, and smell it , and touch.

Be a nice butterfly.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Calling Riich first in the early round is very strong regardless of the wait

For Advance 2 Mahjong soul

What would  you do ??

①  Call for Riich  by discarding 5s
②  Not for ready by discarding 8p


① Should call for Riich


Calling Riich first in the early round is very strong regardless of the wait.

First , the win rate and the Deal-in rate  when the player goes for riichi in this situation are shown in red letters of the figure.

The reason for discarding 8p here is to make a double-sided hand.

In order to make a double-sided hand, you need to draw five types of hands: 5p, 3 4 6 7s.

The probability of drawing one specific type of mahjong tile is about 3%.

So, the probability of this hand turning into a double-sided hand is 3 x 5=15% per one round.

So, on average, it will take 6 to 7 rounds for this hand to turn into a double-sided hand.

In other words, you can expect to reach double-sided riichi in the 10th or 11th round on average.

Therefore, we have to compare the probability of double-sided = blue letters.

However, this is the case when you proceed alone.

Taking into account other players

During this time, on average, 1.2 players have already made ready hand, so you have to take into account the possibility of calling riichi following other players.

The following table shows the Win rate and Deal in rate at that time.

In other words, it is most reasonable to compare the red letters in the table above with the blue letters in the table below.


If no one makes ready hand, there is not much difference, and if someone makes ready hand, you are at a disadvantage, so riichi is the way to go.

Beautiful twilight of YOKOHAMA. From my hospital. The Olympics started today. I will also contribute as a sports doctor for the Olympics. Blessings to all the warriors.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Be aware of the other person's hand and mind as well as your own.

For advance 1 from mahjong soul

Tweet from Mahjong soul official

Recommend Answer

Be aware of the other person's hand and mind as well as your own.

If mahjong is a game you play alone, 2 or Green dragon may be the right answer.

But mahjong is a game for four players.

There is always

"What is the other person's state of mind?

I think you will be stronger and have more fun if you always imagine what your opponent's state of mind is.

If you discard 2 or green dragon, what will your opponent think?

Don't you think he will think, "That's a cheap hand," and come straight to you with nothing to fear?

If you have one dora, you can expect to get almost 3900 points.

Restrict  one's opponent's hands

If you do not discard the 2 or green dragon, the other three will fold when they draw these tiles.

It also has the advantage that the dealer, who must be most vigilant, is less likely to call for Riich being wary of the green dragon.

Too cheap to begin with

In the first place, it is difficult to win at mahjong when you are in the east 2, the lowest position, and your strategy is to play two pon and get the maximum 2000 points.

Look carefully at the discarded tiles.

The opposite player looks cheap, but to the left player has a relatively high chance of having 2 (two bonus tiles).

Furthermore, if you discard both the green dragon and the 2 in this hand, there is a nearly 70% probability that you will be waiting for character 8.

What do you do if the parent's riichi comes at that time?

If you keep fighting with a hand of only 7 tiles and 2000 points value, it will be difficult to survive in mahjong.

Mahjong is a game of expectations and how to increase the probability.


In this situation, rather than discard 2 or green dragon in order to get 2,000 points, you would rather go for All triplet, multi bonus tiles or the best Big three dragon.

If you limit your opponent in this way, even if you can't win, your expectation of winning is much higher when  you force your opponent into a no ready and aim for the punishing 3000 points.

single wait or kanchan wait??